A Beginner’s Guide to Android Development

Hao Nhan
Mar 22, 2024


An Android Image

Welcome, prospective Android developer,

If you’re perusing this blog, chances are you’ve considered delving into the realm of application development, whether out of sheer enthusiasm or to secure employment. In this series, I’ll be imparting foundational knowledge on developing Android native apps, drawing from my own project experiences.


- A basic understanding of Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)

- Familiarity with the Kotlin programming language

Let’s dive into the Android ecosystem.

Bing AI

Before we commence, let’s take a glance at our roadmap, outlining the topics we’ll cover ahead.”

Android System

App Components

  1. Activity: Update soon
  2. Services: Update soon
  3. Broadcast Receiver: Update soon
  4. Content Provider: Update soon

App Navigation and Jetpack

Design Pattern and Architecture

Make real app

Note: English is not my native language, but I hope my knowledge comes across clearly

